A short, brief biography about Leslie Randall, a young entrepreneur from Pennsylvania who owns her own shop. This essay is called "Watch your back, Bill Gates!"

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
GEORGETOWN, PA - Meet Leslie Randall, from Georgetown, PA. Leslie is only 17, but already she's done more that some people have accomplished in an entire lifetime. Leslie Randall is her own boss. Leslie Randall claims jokingly, "I get the spirit of entrepreneurship from my Dad's side of the family." Leslie Randall has been a sports enthusiast ever since she could run. "I found myself thinking, you see so many boutiques and what not for the …

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…worth it." Leslie knew she wanted a business. From talking to her, anybody can see that she's a girl who knows what she wants and will strive to achieve it, and in the meantime she will overcome obstacles and stereotypes. Today, Georgetown. Tomorrow? Pennsylvania. The day after that? Who knows? Maybe America. Watch out Bill Gates, and all other entrepreneurs. One of these days, this Georgetown teen might just be taking the world by storm.