A persuasive essay leaning towards the fact abortion should be a decision women have the right to make.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Think for a second that you are against abortion. Now put yourself in the shoes of a father or relative of a woman who was raped or a young teenager who was impregnated by her boyfriend. Would you still be against it then? It is easy to be against something that has never affected your life. You can say abortion is murder and it is wrong, but it is a choice women have the right …

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…to sacrifice her life. Abortion is not an easy choice and not one to be taken lightly. It can be an emotionally wrenching experience for both the woman and man. Nobody, however, has the right to make the choice for that person. It is a moral issue and should not be a legal one. If you found yourself in one the situations discussed above, would you want somebody else to make that decision for you?