A movie vs. book comparison of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

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Essay Database > Literature
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow was a pretty good story. I noticed many similarities and differences between the book and movie. I am going to talk about these similarities and differences here. Many things in the movie were not changed from the text. For instance in the movie, Ichabod Crane looked a lot like the description given in the book. He had a long skinny neck, with a big head resting on it. It was …

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…, was it was hard to go through the text because there is so many sensory details, it is almost hard to get them all. Other than that, I liked the text. The video was very good too. I loved how it filled in some holes, and made it a little more interesting. Ichabod was sort of annoying in the video though, with his voice and strange ways. Still, I enjoyed both of them!