A look at the moral crisis of the 1920s - specifically: prohibition, fundamentalism, and the new women known as "flappers".

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Essay Database > History > North American History
After World War One was over, everyone was happy that they could go back to their country in peace. Everyone was spending, people were working, almost everyone was (relatively) happy. However, there were people that were not so happy. There were those who wanted to stop funding the Germans with the proceeds from their beer. There were those wanted the opportunity to tell differing views on creation in their classrooms. Also, most notably, there were …

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…on girl generation was no different. During the course of the 1920's, there were many events and crises that, good or bad, changed the way we live and learn today. And just as the 1920's continued making, modifying, and setting the standards and rules that their forefathers made, we today must keep in mind that what we do today affects our future generations as well. We are writing history. I hope we write it well.