A legal analysis of Canadian laws regarding censorship.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Censorship can be defined as the editing of permitted information for the public. To define it is simple, but to explain censorship from a legal perspective is virtually impossible because of the inconsistency of society's views on privacy. In times of comfort, Canadians do not want harsh censorship because of the personal impact it has on their lives. During harder times, however, people become fearful and want to know everything about everyone. Unfortunately, Canadian law …

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…but if their thoughts would offend the populace it is important that some form of censorship be in place to prevent that affront. Legally, censorship is a collaboration of sections of numerous statutes, cases and precedents, and sections of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Morally, it is protection from dehumanizing material. Currently, it is taking a menacing trip towards totalitarianism and overt control. On the whole, censorship is required, undefined, and completely confusing.