A good man is hard to find

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
A "Goodman" Is Hard To Find I had never really analyzed any work of literature before this class. I read books and stories for fun but never to analyze them. I now understand that in any piece of literature there is always a background or hidden agenda that the author wants the reader to get from the reading. In this paper I am going to analyze Nathaniel's Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown" to find the meaning. …

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…as was Nathaniel Hawthorne. Nathaniel Hawthorne was an unhappy person his entire life and he was never satisfied with any of his accomplishments. You can almost say that he wrote this story in his own likeness. As readers are frequently made to feel that exploring Hawthorne's characters they are also exploring some part of themselves (265), it seems as Roland 4 though Hawthorne was exploring a part of himself. He was coming to terms with his past.