A full analysys of the Movie "Trip to Bountiful".

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"THE TRIP TO BOUNTIFULL" Analysis by Adam Godin --CHARACTER ANALYSYS Carrie Walts Portrayed as a sweet elderly woman who is determined to escaped her son's cramped suburban home to visit her home town of "Bountiful" where she was born and raised, one last time before she passes away, having a heart condition, she is old but doesn't show it much. She is full of excitement and shows lots of expression as well as emotion, breaking …

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…say the climax of this story would definitely be the scene where the Sheriff tells Carrie he can not let her go to Bountiful, the viewer becomes disappointed, upset and sad, feeling for poor Carrie, who came so close, yet so far of achieving her wish of returning to Bountiful. It appears as though Carrie would be soon returning to Houston, until the Sheriff announces that he would drive to her to Bountiful after all!