A critique of Industrial Revolution regarding to Eco-Efficiency.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Economics
Eco-Efficiency vs Eco-Efficient: The Industrial Revolution is the result of advanced technology, the increase and expansions of factories, production increase and economical success all over the globe. Within this working industrial economy there is the simple concept of supply, demand, goods and services. Modern technology is what feeds this industry and ties these concepts together. Advances in technology have been greater than one can imagine since all time and is an important issue globally. An …

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…considerably healthy for all generations to come. Only if this solution was practiced on a few countries, the worst would be unpredictable consequences such as inflation, lower sales of products than that of other countries, and we would still live in immense discomfort. In my opinion, it would be beneficial if all Nations complied with McDough and Braungarts idea of the Next Industrial Revolution. But if Canada were to act alone, Canadians would struggle alone.