A critical analysis of how Gamal Abdel-Nasser was able to play on both the American and Russian political ambitions in order to further develop his own nation's interests.

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
"I have often said that it is dangerous to talk privately with Gamal Abdel Nasser. If you do, you run the grave risk of being won over by the man's charm. I do not recall ever seeing any-one leave an interview with Nasser disliking the man…" Nasser more than anything was a man of charm, character but perhaps more importantly a man with a mission. Ahmed Naguib was the first president, Nasser became the …

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…wanted. In my books regardless of where the weapons or the huge economic aid came from, it came free from foreign intervention and at the same time it greatly helped Egypt until this very day. Nasser tactics were truly remarkable to Egypt and the Arab world because they ensured Egypt would be relatively powerful enough to defeat its enemies and at the same time its economic state was not devastated even at times of crisis.