A creative essay on sleep and a deep explination of one of my dreams

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Sleeping and dreaming are wonderful things. It can refresh you with good dreams. Some people sleep like a rock and can never be woken up. When you dream many things can happen. You can have bad dreams that won't go away, or have good dreams that make you feel great and make you think, " What was so wonderful about that dream?" Occasionally a dream may have disastrous consequences. I sleep like a rock. You could …

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…and dove into the wave trying to swim to the other side. I was scared out of my wits as I began to run out of breath. The farther I swam the brighter the light became. As I exited the wave I woke up, and hit my head against the upper bunk bed. Sleeping and dreaming remain mysterious and wonderful to me. It's interesting and exciting, and has endless possibilities. It's like imagination without limits.