A comparison of Thick and Thin clients in Networks.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Internet
Most current networks have what is known as 'thick clients'. These are the nodes attached to the network (mainly PC's), and they are called 'thick', (as opposed to 'thin') because they have their own processor, memory and storage devices. However, a recent article suggests that networks could be better by the use of 'thin clients'. This is where the users just have a dumb terminal with no memory, processing power, storage etc. for use with …

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…Higher costs for maintenance, upgrades, and technical support. Having read the above, it appears that thin clients and multi user systems are better than thick clients as the advantages outweigh both the thin client's disadvantages and the thick client's advantages. However as a person who is looking to work in technical support, I would strongly advocate the continued use of thick clients for most companies as I would then be more likely to find work.