A comparison of Canada's branch banking system to the Unit banking system of the United States.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Banks play a vital role in North America's financial systems and the economic development of Canada and the United States. Many events and technology advancements have effected the way Canadians and Americans go about banking. Some of the topics that will be explored throughout this presentation are as follows: How September 11th effected the economy and the banks in both Canada and the United States, online banking and the advancement of banking technology, what NAFTA …

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…industry is more stable and efficient than the American banking industry because of their branch banking system compared to the unit banking system of the United States. Because Canada has much larger independent banks than the United States, they are able to be more efficient and are able to better serve the customer. And partially due to the events of September 11th, Canada's banks are currently in a better position financially than their American counterparts.