A case study about the Aum Shinrikyo, Sarin attack on a Tokyo subway system, March 20, 1995.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Background The Aum Shinrikyo sect was the brainchild of Chizuo Matsumoto, whose childhood aspirations apparently included leadership of Japan. In 1984 he started a small publishing house and yoga school, which gradually developed into a cult. He renamed himself Shoko Asahara ("Bright Light"), embarked on a course of cult expansion, increasingly bizarre teachings and rituals for devotees, and ultimately subversion; with the aim of achieving supremacy for his followers in Japan. On March 20, 1995, during morning rush …

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…have played a major role in the outcome. Pro-active approach: Installing sensors at the major rail stations would have given an immediate alert to the presence of chemical agents. Given the cost of installing such devices at all major stations would have a cost of several million dollars (several hundred million Japanese Yen) these expenses would have been recouped easily, since several million people ride the trains daily. ```/ (o o) -----oOO--(_)--OOo----- Savoysix was here!