A brief paper that argues both sides of an issue: whether classical literature should be studied in school. It also discusses how classical literature can effect popular culture. Includes an outline.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Classic Literature Many people believe that our classic literature is not important in our society. They think that there are no important or relevant themes in classic literature and since most people don't read them, classics have little effect on our culture. There is also the alternate view that classical literature should be preserved and taught because that is part of our heritage and should not be forgotten. In this essay, I am going to …

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…II.Problem with recreating classic literature. A.Authors study classics to prevent duplication. B.Effort goes to creation instead of recreation. C.Culture may move backwards. III.Learning from classic literature A.We can learn from classic literature. B.i.e. the boy that cried wolf C.If we don't read it, we won't learn lessons/themes. IV.Pop culture & Classic culture A.The importance of pop culture. B.Pop culture with classic culture.