A Wrinkle in Time

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
A Wrinkle in Time is an exciting adventure of supernatural proportions. The amount of excitement being proved by the quote, " Wild nights are my glory," said by one of the extraordinary figures that help the heroes and heroine throughout their ordeals. Madeleine L'Engle, the author, writes in such a way that when read, the readers feel like they are actually in the story. Various emotions and thoughts will be felt and thunk throughout the book, …

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…is a very descriptive and to the point writer, at least in this novel anyway. " To the point" meaning that not a whole lot of symbolism is used, so every object means what it means, making easier reading. Using her writing techniques she develops interesting and unique plots, in turn making her somewhat of a good writer. All in all, L'Engle is a good writer for lower grade reading levels, but simplistic for higher grades.