A Separate Peace, Symbolism Within the Devon Campus

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
John Knowles uses the literary element of symbolism in his novel, A Separate Peace. Gene, a student at the Devon Prep School in New Hampshire, tries to understand the love, hate, and jealousy that he feels for his roommate Phineas, nicknamed "Finny." Knowles uses the Assembly Hall, the marble staircase, and the locker room to symbolize how Gene's spitefulness affects Finny, and how this effect leads Gene into adulthood. As the effects of Gene's spiteful …

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…spitefulness toward Finny. The main effect being Finny's death. The locker room symbolizes how Gene deals with these effects. All of these symbols are places located on the Devon campus. These three symbols all lead to the fact that Gene directly caused Finny's death. This is a fact that Gene must deal with throughout his adult life. Finny leaves a lasting impression on him. Finny will always be in Gene's memory, even after his death.