A Separate Peace, John Knowles, Comarison and Contrast

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
COMPARISON AND CONTRAST "A SEPARATE PEACE" <Tab/>The novel "A Separate Peace" written by the Author John Knowles tells a story about a friendship between two students, who attend the same fictional school named Devon, during the early years of World War II. To understand the intense relationship between the two jung boys, the focus of this essay is directed towards the differences in their characters. There are secondary characters involved …

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…marrow detaches from the bone and enters Finny's bloodstream, going directly to his heart and killing him. Gene receives the new with relative tranquility, he feels that he has become a part of Finny and will always be with him. Gene reflects on the constant enmity and hate that plagues the human heart--a curse from which he believes that only Finny was immune. Gene believes that humans are fearful and create enemies where none exists.