A Process Analysis Essay, How to PUblish your website in cyberspace

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Internet
The Internet is surely the great revolution of our era. Just as the middle decades of the last century came to be called the Space Age, the first decades of this one will be remembered as the Cyberspace Age. For the first time, anyone with just a computer, a few ideas, and the sufficient knowledge can publish a magazine, distribute a movie, or sell their music through the Internet. The most exciting thing about the …

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…same way as done on his or her own computer. Preparation is about identifying your goals and obstacles, and making decisions about form and function. In implementing the above steps to publish a website, the builder should remain patient and free of frustrations. Keep in mind to follow every single step and use their extensive computer knowledge. The result would be a reliable and innovative website that connects people with common interests across the world.