A Politically Correct Proposal.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Visualize sitting in the front row of a philosophy lecture, Contemporary Moral Problems to be more specific. The topic stated on the syllabus for the day says, "Homosexuality." Although the issue seems to be clear, the teacher walks in and reinstates the itinerary only he casually substitutes the word gay with the word fag. A number of jaws drop, while other students accept the term without any consideration. This scenario may be a little radical, …

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…the sake of appropriateness in all aspects of life, but, rather, to be more careful in professional atmospheres. I may not have the best solution, or it may seem as if I pose no solution at all, but the fact is that there is a problem in the world with politically correct speech in environments where there should not be any. Hopefully one day, to be correct, will mean that one is being politically correct.