A Parody of Hawthorne's "The Young Goodman Brown" written for my Interpretation of the Lit class.

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
All four of us anxiously peered through the transparent door. The white, shiny tiled floor barely peeked through all of the spread out fur balls. As soon as my father's work boots tapped the floor, all the tiny bodies scurried away like ants after having their home destroyed. All of them accept one lazy, lonely, runt that just barely lifted his head and blinked his oval bronze eyes at us. Then he slowly gained his …

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…on my rickety front porch. There was an overall emptiness inside of me when I had heard the news; I moped around the halls of my house like a zombie for weeks. It was as if I had lost a grandparent or a brother. I will always remember the kinship I had with Otis for as long as I live, even today looking back I could not of asked for a better comrade growing up.