"A NATO For the Next Fifty-years"

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Fifty-years ago the Soviet Union loomed over Europe and the world as a threat to democracy. To safeguard themselves against Communist Russia the leaders of Western Europe, the United States, and Canada established the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. When the Warsaw Pact dissolved and Russia's unified Socialist government was dismantled, NATO claimed victory. In a war it is commonplace for the victors to divide the plunder and go back to their homes, but the Cold …

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…Plan: Keeping NATO's door open." NATO Review Summer 1999:23-25. Kramer, Steven and Kyriakopoulos, Irene. "U.S.-European Union Relations." Strategic Forum, National Defense University. July 1999. MccGwire, Michael. NATO Expansion and European Security, London: London Defence Studies, 1997. NATO. NATO Handbook: 50th Anniversary Edition. Brussels: 1999. Schmitt, Eric. "Senate Approves Expansion of NATO in Bipartisan Vote; Clinton Pleased by Decision." New York Times 1 May 1998: A1+. Van Heuven, Marten. NATO in 2010. The Atlantic Council of the United States. Washington: 1999.