A Marxist Analysis of a Star Trek Episode: This Side of Paradise.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Marxist Analysis of the Star Trek Episode: This Side of Paradise Introduction I am doing a Marxist analysis of the Star Trek Episode 'This side of paradise'. This episode was aired on March 2 1967. In this episode a group of colonists are found alive on a planet being bombarded with fatal Berthold rays. The colonists are all in perfect health, and after investigating the cause, a strange plant whose spores remove all negative emotions and feelings. …

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…episode, Captain Kirk quips that perhaps mankind wasn't meant to live in heaven, for eventually responsibility and the drudgery of life comes to bring everyone back into the clutches of a man-made hell. Ultimately, no matter how we try to fight it, it is inevitable that we cannot live in a perfect harmonious world, with much regret, it is admitted that the world is not perfect, but only by maintaining social order, can we survive.