A Grain of Wheat and Jomo Kenyatta

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Throughout my life I have read many novels. This book was very interesting. This is a compelling account of the turbulence that inflamed Kenya in the 1950s and its impact on people's lives. A brand new perspective upon the emancipation of so-called Third World Country .On the verge of Kenya independence, both colonizers and colonized were bewildered and confused. White colonial agents lost faith on their lifelong commitment, and Kenyans were cast into a precarious …

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…and sound of Kikuyu tribal life presented here are at once comprehensive and intimate, and as precise as they are compassionate. In conclusion, Jomo Kenyatta played a vital role in the novel A Grain of Wheat. A Grain of wheat was a vey interesting and long book . It takes the reader into the minds of people who lived through the struggle to liberate kenya. It takes there loyalty and some of the characters non-chalet attitude.