A Cry for Help! True story about a girl's hardships. *the names in this story have been changed to protect the innocent*

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Tuesday night, I got a phone call. One of my friends back home had a problem, and they had finally decided to get help. My friend told me over the phone that she was really sorry about what she was going to tell me before she even started. She then went on to tell me about the drugs, sex, and abuse that she had been going through for about three years. It began in November …

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…it hit her, what had happened to her. Some one that she had thought was her friend had raped her. She didn't let that affect her though...she figured that it had happened, and there was nothing that she could do about it. And that was the end of it, except for when she would tell other girls what had happened to her, so that they would have some knowledge of those types of guys.