A Comparison of Three Abolitionists

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Essay Database > History
Olaudh Equiano, Abraham Lincoln, and Frederick Douglas have all been described as abolitionists. Equiano is the eldest of the three and his writings were a model for slave narratives. Douglas is very similar to Equianoe in a way that they are both descriptive. Lincoln is different because he is the only caucasian one out of the three. Equiano was sold for slavery out of Nigeria at the age of twelve. His sister was also taken …

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…abolitionist movement along, but all come from totally different backgrounds. Equiano was from Africa, Douglas was born in America to a black mother and white father, and Lincoln was a white man who used slavery to help save the Union. Even though they were all doing it for different reasons, they were all striving toward the same goal: The Abolishment of Slavery. WORKS CITED: Perkins, George, ed. "The American Tradition in Literature". The McGraw-Hill Companies, 1999.