A Comparison of Early Civilizations

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Essay Database > History
A comparison of Early civilization After reading the articles on early civilization, I've identified several similarities and differences about the people who were from these three cultures. The civilizations in the articles include, the people from Mesopotamia, the Quiche' Indians, a tribe in early Meso-America, and "The book of Genesis" which offers a Christian or biblical explanation of how our own civilization originated. I will tell you about how they believed they came into existence …

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…Gods has been used to explain the origin of civilizations throughout history. Other civilizations may vary a little on their explanation of how their own people originated, or how they should govern their lives in order to please their Gods and continue their existence. Wars have been started and entire civilizations have even been annihilated in order to ensure their beliefs are protected. This practice exists even today, and I suspect will continue throughout time.