A Close Analysis of Act3 Scene V of 'Romeo and Juliet'.

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In this essay I'm going to analyse a main scene from Romeo and Juliet which is Act 3 Scene V. Romeo and Juliet just got married in secret in Friar Lawrence's cell and spent the night together as now Romeo is banished from Verona, because of Tybalt's death. This includes many major themes such as conflict, appearance and reality, love, family pressures, time and fate mostly because of conflict between the Montagues and the Capulets and …

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…the cause of greed and riches. But the most dramatic affect that took place in this scene was the Nurse going against Juliet aswell especially when throughout the play she was close and loyal to her at all times. Also in conclusion I think that the Nurse went against her because she didn't want to loose the household place as a Nurse and also because she has not got anyone else especially in Elizabethan times.