A Analysis of the story "The Red Convertable". Was done for Colleg English 102

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Beyond the Things We Share Emotional bonds can be visible or exist unseen. Sometimes we keep tangible keepsakes in memory of deceased loved ones to hold on to the bond that once existed, and sometimes we let go of those items, discard them, as a symbol to demonstrate the disconnection of the bond we once shared. In the story the "Red Convertible" written by Louis Erdrich, Henry, and Lyman share a special bond which is …

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…able to feel at peace and continue with his life. Perhaps the writer of the story the "The Red Convertible" tries to convey that it does not matter whether we hold on to tangible items or let go of them, as long as we find peace within our hearts. Emotional bonds can exist through items we share or through things we do together. Those bonds can break or stay with us through our entire life.