A veteran's experiance in the war.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
On December 7, 1941 an ordinary boy, Arthur Pranger, from Covington, Kentucky was listening to his console radio when the news of Pearl Harbor aired. Arthur, or Art for short, knew what the outcome of the devastating event could lead too, and that was only a matter of time before he received a letter requesting him to serve his country. His life, which included rides around town in his friend Bob Bailer's car and a drive through …

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…base to train, its close proximity to Art's home allowed him visit his family on the weekends. Private Art returned home in September, his tenure in the service of the United States Army lasted exactly two years, two months, and twenty-nine days. Works Cited Pranger, Rose. "Private Art: A Work In Progress." Letter Archives. 25 Oct. 2002. 12 Feb. 2003. <http://private-art.com>. Pranger, Rose. "Private Art Remembers." VE Day. 25 Oct. 2002. 12 Feb. 2003. <http://private-art.com>.