500 word essay on Spanish American War

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Essay Database > History > North American History
When the Cuban population revolted in 1895 it set in motion the next war in American history that is known as the Spanish-American War. Varied viewpoints have arisen as to why the Unites States entered into this specific endeavor most of which have some validity. The theories that seem to be not necessarily the most accepted but are the most highly regarded are the ones dealing with an American response to Cuba's scorched earth campaign. Another …

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…hard to pass over. To sum up, it was believed that many factors came into play when figuring out what exactly led to the Spanish American War. However some of the reasonable and some of the most accepted theories deal with the propaganda and exploitation by the yellow press regarding the "scorched earth" policy's of the Cubans and the destruction of the U.S.S Maine, also theories regarding war because of purely economic needs.