5 great leadership qualities and how Hitler exemplified them

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Transportation
Leaders are often portrayed as heroes and role models, but there is also a darker side to being a leader. Adolph Hitler was one of the greatest leaders in the last 100 years, if not the greatest leader of all time. One man had the ability to lead a country, with a population of 20 million people, against the whole world in a vision he saw fit. One man leading Germany out of economic depression after previously …

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…plaguing the rest of the world. Also, Germany stood up once again after a First World War and challenged the world once more. Many people might disagree about him being a great leader because he led Germany to another loss, but this was inevitable because one man cannot stand against the world and hope to win. Nevertheless, Hitler was one of the greatest leaders of all time and should be a template for future leaders.