1952 Film East of Eden as Midrash. What "problem points" in the Bible does East of Eden address? How are these areas resolved? Is it a modern midrash on the Cain and Abel story?

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In the 1952 film East of Eden, director and darshan Elia Kazan attempts to resolve the moral tension in the Cain and Abel story by depicting Cal as a sympathetic character. The ambiguity of the biblical account is responsible for much of this tension. God does not offer a reason for accepting Abel's gift and rejecting Cain's. Neither of the brothers have a distinct personality, and so the motivation for the murder is left to speculation. …

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…is important, if at all. The film fills in that gap, suggesting that Cain should not be held responsible for his gift's ill reception. Again, while the Bible says that Cain killed Abel in a field, it says nothing about how or why. Kazan and Steinbeck point to Cain's jealousy as the reason he killed his brother. Finally, East of Eden creates unique personalities for both boys and presents Cain in a more positive light.