1893 World's Fair and the rise of Commercialism

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Essay Database > History
The decision that named Chicago host of the 1893 World's Fair came just two decades after the city had been nearly wiped out by the infamous Great Fire. In the twenty years between tragedy and triumph, Chicago had managed to pull itself out of the rubble to emerge as one of America's premiere urban centers. Supported by a booming economy focused upon industrial aspects, the city saw its population explode in this rebuilding phase, as countless …

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…of entertainment. The inaccuaracy portrayed was understood by the presenters as simply a means to generate profit. This can be directly seen, the author states, throught he example of Persia. After several complaints of its entertainment containing lewd conduct, it was removed form the display. The Persian government then filed suit in U.S. courts, so that it could resume its profitable enterprise. However, such inaccurate depiction was the exact intention of Bloom and others.