community care history and politics during the 50's/60's in the U.K.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The 50's+the 60's The period of consensus/collective responsibility In 1951 the Conservative Party was elected and although there were some minor changes, they continued the policies of the previous Labour Government. They only had a very small majority and so had to rule out any unpopular policies. This meant keeping most of Labours policies. The Conservative Party leadership was moderate and the more right-wing MPs were marginalized. The Tories therefore had no choice or …

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…and Barry Owen Gildredge 1999 p12 Accessed 17th Dec 2002 (2). For most of the post-war period there had been a surprising degree of agreement amongst politicians and experts, about the economic and social policies required to maintain and develop the economic and social systems, in peace and harmony. That consensus collapsed in the face of the recession in the mid 1970's. 2. THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL POLICY By Vic George and Paul Wilding Routledge 1989 p249 Accessed 17th Dec 2002