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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
The Egyptians believed that their kings were gods. Even after they had died, the rulers continued to affect daily life through their supernatural powers. In his new life in the underworld, the king would need everything he needed while alive, and he needed his home to last for eternity. While alive, Egyptian kings lived in palace of mud-brick, wore linen roves, and slept in wooden beds. In their gentle climate, more substantial comforts were not …

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…limited, personal self. The eye in the triangle above it is the eye of Hours, standing for the upper triad, the three aspects of our spiritual self. The aim of human evolution is to "so purify the Lower Quaternary that it shall vibrate in unison with the Upper Triad" (Blavatsky). That is, to refine our lower nature so that it can manifest the nobler qualities of our higher self, our inner Buddha or Christ (Blavatsky).