How is the concept of congruency can be relevant to a revitalisation of brand equity strategy?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Abstract The brand value can be evaluated thanks to a survey. This survey shows notably the consumers are aware of the brand and the brand association. This increase in attention can mainly be attributed to the fact that brands positively valued by consumers are of an enormous potential for the companies. The main aim of this research is to deal with the impact and importance of the congruency on the brand equity. The exploration of …

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…about brand associations. Moreover, the companies can create an other brand association, for instance the famous beer maker Budweiser created the loud WAZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAA. This company has managed to give an other image of the brand (Fun, Young, cool). The commercial so famous around the world has given the advantages and the opportunities to increase sales and target an other segment of customers.