Existentialism, and how it is used in "The Stranger" by Beowulf and Grindel.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Existentialism means many different things to different people. From what I've learned about existentialism, it all boils down to the choices we make in life. And the question " do our choices matter in the end?" According to Meursault, the main character in The Stranger, nothing in life is to be gained or lost. He always says, "it's all the same to me." This shows existentialism, because it is obvious that he really doesn't think any …

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…trees." Grindel finally sees that sooner or later all of us must pass. "So it goes." In the epic Beowulf the exestential part is that Beowulf has only one goal and that goal is to be the best, strongest warior and to defeat the eaters of the dead. Beowulf dosen't feel that anything else matters as long as he accomplishes this goal. That is why he feels that he has succeeded even though he dies.