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Essay Database > Science & Technology
A tornado is a violent rotating column of air extending between a cloud and the surface of the earth. They are usually produced when cool air overrides a layer of warm air, forcing the warm air to rise rapidly. Tornadoes can come one at a time or in clusters. Tornadoes have occurredin every province. One third of all the tornadoes reported in Canada have occurred in Ontario. During an average year Canada has about eighty …

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…conditions. In Canada, tornadoes do not kill many, they mostly just break antennae, uproot trees or damage weak structures. Some precautions to take before a tornado strikes:  Determine your insurance eligibility, then high winds, rain and floods can cause significant damage to your property.  Make a plan with your family to ensure that everyone knows where to go and what do to if a tornado touches down.  Seek shelter in a basement or storm cellar.