biography on cleopatra

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Essay Database > History > World History
Cleopatra Cleopatra was born in 69 BC in Alexandria, Egypt. She was born into royalty and took over the kingdom when her father Ptolemy Auletes died, in the springtime of 51 BC. The law made it so that Cleopatra was forced to marry. So she married her brother Ptolemy XIII when he was twelve, however she soon dropped his name and didn't include him in anything. This was a bold move because of at the time a …

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…with is wife, and he didn't see Cleo again for four years. He also left her with twins. Antony returned and gave her land which was essential for Egypt. He also gave Cleopatra their third child. In 31 BC Antony divorced his wife, and forced people to recognize his relationship with Cleopatra. He had already put her name and face on a Roman coin. Antony and Cleo both committed suicide in 30 BC. Instead of being slaves.