abolition of man

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Every culture ever known has operated under a system of values. Many varied on exact principles, but most applied the idea of Natural Law. Or, as C.S. Lewis would refer to it in his Abolition of Man, the Tao. In this particular book Lewis discusses the implications that would follow could man overcome this basic value system that has been in place since the development of rational thought. However, paradoxical as his opinion may …

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…lends man his existence. Without it man loses all ability to move forward. Instead, he becomes the branches that die without their trunk, eventually fading into nothing. C.S. Lewis is obviously a man resolved to his beliefs. And indeed, his values as well. He makes a clear argument that rational man must exist within the Tao because without he is nothing. *Bibliography can be obtained by using almost any addition of Abolition of Man