"Women's Rights" The essay explains the way women in the early 20th century were segregated, and what they did to earn there rights they have today.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
It was long ago when women were looked upon as slaves to the hard Working, man. In today's society women now are more respected and are acceptable for many jobs as men are. Yet, long before our time during World War II, women were thought many different things that they could only imagine. During the postwar, women were, then equipped with many different abilities colliding with their home chores and knowledge. Women then took their …

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…be producers as well as reproducers and looked at in a different way. The government used women in their survival during the war. Women were encouraged to take wartime jobs only, then return to their homes to make room for the returning veterans. Women of those years have effected the women of today greatly. They have given the women of today hope and acceptation of their right to decide how they would like to live.