With reference to at least four poems by Thomas Hardy, what do you think are the most notable features of Hardy's use of language and metrical form?

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
With reference to at least four poems by Thomas Hardy, what do you think are the most notable features of Hardy's use of language and metrical form? With a poet as prolific as Thomas Hardy, ample material is provided for academics to both praise and criticise. F.R. Leavis famously described Hardy as 'making a style out of stylelessness' (quoted from Haslam & Turton, language section). His poetry is certainly striking to the reader …

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…would seem to be encompassed by the fact that he exploited them both to convey what he felt were his 'truths' and yet did not conform rigidly to them. If a map for a journey is taken as an analogy, Hardy would use the map to plan a route but would then deviate from the main path along short side roads along the way, as long as these deviations enhanced the journey as a whole.