White Supremacy

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Essay Database > History
Frances Cress Welsing Dr Frances Cress Welsing is a child psychiatrist that was born on March 18,1955 in the Chicago area of Illinois. She is a third generation Physician in her Family she followed the footprints of her father Dr Henry Noah Cress and her grandfather Dr. henry Clay Cress by becoming a Physician. She had to go through several years of study to become will know. She first attends Antioch College in yellow Spring, Ohio …

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…good points. This theory explains why we have racism and the ways that we can stop racism from continuing. This theory explained the reason why white people feel threatened by black people. And how racism is unconscious and conscious. Dixon 6 Reference: Ble, Natalile (1996) American Women in Psychology University Press of New England Wesling, Frances Cress (1990)The Isis Papers: the keys to the colors Third World Press Genelle Dixon The Cress Theory Professor Tamara Jones-Brooks April 15, 2002