Title: "A photographic Essay." Describes the common misconceptions of goth society today and attempts to clear up exactly what the community is all about.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
A Photographic Essay The terms "goth" and "gothic" have many different meanings to various people of the earth. They are often used to describe an artistic and architectural style that includes Victorian, Edwarian, and medieval designs. They are also used to describe a person who is somewhat barbaric, rude, or a non-conformist. However, in more recent times it has come to define an alternative sub-culture of society. A culture that is vastly misunderstood and under …

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…Many people enjoy aspects of the culture, both knowledgeable and oblivious of its existence. Before the media continues to mislabel gothic society, people must become aware of its true demeanor. This prevents undeserved hate and misunderstanding between different groups of people. The gothic subculture has instigatied the creation of many beautiful pieces of art and literary works. It does not deserve to be blamed, but rather understood and appreciated for its efforts to further society.