"The Catcher in the Rye by",J. D. Salinger: Use of Foreshadowing,forshadowing can help it's reader get a sense of what is to come in the story without giving away the events themselves.

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The use of forshadowing in a novel can help it's reader get a sense of what is to come in the story without giving away the events themselves. It is a powerful tool which prevents events from being left unexplained, leaving the reader question the effectivness of an outcome. The eventual breakdown of the character Holden Caufield in J.D. Salinger's controversial 1945 novel "The Catcher in the Rye" was foreshadowed in the early chapters of …

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…alone present a fairly firm idea of what will happen to Holden towards the end of the story. The use of foreshadowing is evident in the novel "The Catcher in the Rye". It does it's job well in that it foretells the outcome of Holdens many problems and gives reason for it. The eventual breakdown of Holden is not startling to the reader because of the authors use of foreshadowing and therefore it is effective.