The difference between Social Family and Information-Processing Family is that social family models

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
The difference between Social Family and Information-Processing Family is that social family models is based on collective energy which are developed to take advantage by coming together to build learning communities. Within the classroom the social models develops cooperative learning relationships. The information-processing family models, is based on enhancing a person's innate drive to make sense of his or her surroundings around them by using organizing data, finding solutions, to name a few. Also it …

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…of getting the correct answers for the test. Each student is feeding off each others energy, because they all have the same goal in mined, social family. Within each group every student is thinking for themselves, innate drive. Each one student is thinking that there have the right answer for the question with there use of knowledge. Each student is developing concepts, using data, and coming up with the solutions to the questions, information-processing family.