The Legalization of Drugs

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The legalization of drugs; a risk not worth taking Arguments concerning the repeal of the 18th amendment, drug prohibition, have not changed much over the last seventy years; the questions are the same, the concerns are the same, and the policy is the same; the way it should be. Both sides are in a constant battle over the legality of drugs: Proponents of drug prohibition insist that the effects on society would be disastrous- wide-spread …

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…can satisfy anti-prohibitionists as well as pro-prohibitionists - it is clear that drugs will continue to be illegal. While the majority of citizens view legalization as a bad thing, no laws will change; there simply won't be enough support to back the effort to change them. The risk of a drug-addicted, violent, unsafe community strikes fear in everyone, it strikes enough fear to keep drugs illegal, that is the way it is going to stay.