Tales of Two Colonial Women

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Exceptional and strong women of their time period, Mary Rowlandson and Sarah Kemble Knight have many similarities and differences. Religion and life style are both strongly reflected in their writings, and at the same time cause them to have distinctly different reactions to a variety of situations. Although Rowlandson and Knight encounter different experiences, they show remarkable characteristics that are essential in transcending their difficulties. Mary Rowlandson was a devout person and an exceptional woman …

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…disgusting situation into one of humor, which not only makes it more bearable for her, but also for the reader. Both Mary Rowlandson and Sarah Kemble Knight are two remarkable women who lived in Colonial America. Although their experiences are different, they both show remarkable characteristics that are essential in surmounting their individual difficulties. Their writing is affected by many things, only contributing to its diversity and making it as enduring as it is today.