Spiritual oLympics

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Olympics Versus Life's Greatest Race. (Hebrews 12) The WITNESSES..."Listen up" It is confusing for me when I read about life's greatest race, and we start off talking about the fans: "wherefore, seeing we are encompassed about by so great a cloud of witnesses..." The "cloud of witnesses" is a reference to Chapter 11, where we meet the heroes of faith...The picture Paul paints is one of SPECTATORS. I doubt there are many athletes who …

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…because God had translated him...he had this testimony that he pleased God. --Noah...Abraham...Isaac...Jacob...Joseph...Moses...Joshua...Rahab..."What more shall I say? "...through faith [they] subdued kingdoms...wrought righteousness...obtained promises...stopedthe mouths of lions...quenched the violence of fire...etc. WHAT ARE ALL OF THESE WITNESSES SAYING? ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! FAITH....FAITH...FAITH...BELEIVE...BELIEVE...BELIEVE...like a broken record they shout..."have faith, believe, keep you trust in God!