Seven years in Tibet

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Essay Database > History
Seven years in Tibet Harrer was a young Austrian in the mid-1930's when he and a group of friends went to India to climb the Himalayas. World War II broke out while they were there, and they were imprisoned by the British as enemy aliens. The group made several attempts to escape the internment camp at Dehra-Dun, and finally, at the third attempt, Harrer and his friend Peter Aufschnaiter succeeded. They spent three years …

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…that he brings his entire experience to life once again in this book. This book so intrigued me that I began reading everything I could find on Tibet, which wasn't an easy task a dozen years ago. Finally, after years of dreaming and planning, I went to Tibet in 1992 to see the country for myself. It's a journey that will live with me forever, and "Seven Yers in Tibet" is the place it all began.